
The Power of Backlink for Website to be on Google First Page


There are substantial ways for a website to be on Google first page. For example, by running link building on websites. One of the ways is to create a backlink. Therefore, what is the power of backlink for website like?

A high quality backlink is a link that can make search engines able to score your website as a credible site. Therefore, every content created will be easier to get on the highest position on the search page. Explanation about backlink is right below:

Definition of Backlink

Backlink is a link that can be put on a blog/web. This link leads to your blog/web page. The process of making backlink is called link building.

Not only backlink, this activity is also called external link and inbound link. In backlink, we know the term backlink provider and backlink receiver.

As a website owner, you are called the backlink provider because you put another person’s web/blog link on your website. In contrast, you are called a backlink receiver when your web gets a link from a backlink provider.

How Important is The Role of Backlink?

It sounds simple, indeed. But, backlink is quite important in the overall success of a website/blog because backlink can help the website visitors to find further information which doesn’t exist on the website they visit.

So, by adding backlink to other websites, you can create high quality content. In addition, the information must be comprehensive and not deviated from the main idea.

Therefore, the amount of high quality backlink you get from other websites can decide your website position on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

The higher the website ranks on SERPs, the better the SEO of the website is. The power of backlink for website is quite important to define the website position on the search engine.

The Advantages of Backlink

The power of backlink for website is not something trivial because backlink has these advantages:

1. Increasing Page Authority (PA)

Backlink is one of the basics of the popular SEO matrix assessment. Websites with good backlink will add the score of Page Authority (PA). Differ with Domain Authority (DA), PA is used to measure the strength of URL on page level.

The PA score ranges between 1 until 100. The higher the PA of a website page, the bigger the chance for the page to get on the highest position on the search engine result page or SERP.

2. Accelerating The Indexing Process

A search engine does website crawling periodically. Next, it does the indexing process based on the crawling result. The crawler bot does that by searching on every link presented on every visited website.

When the backlink quantity is good, the website will be indexed by search engines faster. So, it will make the website easier to appear on the search result, including the first page.

3. Building Website Reputation

A website that has a lot of backlinks will be considered as a popular website by the search engine. Meanwhile, when you type keywords on the address bar, Google tends to give search results from popular websites that contain good backlink inside.

4. Increasing Referral Traffic

Not only gaining traffic from the search page, websites with backlink will gain additional traffic from the website who gives the backlink.

So, the website traffic will increase, especially if the website who gives backlink is a popular website with high traffic.

5. Increasing Domain Authority (DA)

Backlink becomes one of the factors that can increase website Domain Authority (DA). DA functions as a matrix in measuring the whole power of a website. The higher the website DA score, the easier it becomes for the website to get on the highest position on the search result.

Those are the explanations about the power of backlink for website. What are you waiting for? Go fix your website backlink and hopefully your website will get on the first page of the search engine. Hope this helps.
