In this digital age, we believe that connectivity is what it takes to build a successful business empire. Having websites or mobile applications that focuses on the user and is easily understandable will boost your competitiveness in the market.
With the mission to get our clients what they truly deserve, Vodjo was founded on November 2015 in Bandung, Indonesia. We are a team of talented and passionate developers, designers and technopreneurs who thrive on designing and developing great user interfaces and experiences for websites, web applications and mobile applications. The diversity in our team generates a truly unique experiences for our client.
We deliver what you want, when you want it. It’s that simple.
Our thoroughly selected team came from different background and experience, which create a dynamic working space filled with creative and innovative talents. We value ourselves in action and teamwork.
We are empowered by like-minded people who are always keen on learning what’s new in the market. Therefore, we know the latest and updated tech. This result in our expertise in working on different platforms and development stacks.
One cannot have successful launching without thorough planning. We carefully plan our service to suit your schedule and goals.
As our motto goes; you imagine, we’ll make it happen. We design applications that anticipate and respond to user needs and expectations.
There’s always a better way in doing anything, the smart way. We develop the most user-friendly applications that won’t confuse you even if you try.
We are excited to introduce our expert team who will working together with you to bring the best in each other and achieve the goals.
Viona is “The First Lady of Vodjo”. It is a heavy title with a no-less heavy duty, but with her master’s degree in international finance and her ability to keep the boys on track, she has always been successful in setting and implementing strategies with the team. Also, her experience in numerous financial institutions always comes in handy.
Rikky has over 13 years of professional experience in software development in numerous companies. He is responsible for maintaining the relationships with partners and clients. In addition, he manages various projects for both local and international clients. Although, he has double undergraduate degree in management and informatics engineering, he is still a humble and fun boss for everyone!
Apri considers dirt biking as a full-time job on weekends. In other days, he works as a designer with a team of BA, QA and developers. As a designer, he acts as a bridge between the stakeholders’ wishes, possible technologies and users’ need. Then, he generates a problem-based solution. The only thing that can scare with daredevil is a woman.
Boy was born in Bandung some moons ago. He is considered as the “bro” of the bunch. His team member looks up to him with high regards. He believes that working at Vodjo is a story of supporting each other, sharing tears and laughter, and many positive things. He believes that precise methods and a solid team are what make successful project.
Every time you look at Faris (with an ‘s’), you’ll find him smiling. Not because he’s crazy, but because he has total surrender to God. He believes that God will guide you to your dream, no matter where you are right now. His way of reaching his dream is by waking from sleep and finish the job as good as possible.
Fathur knows the secret to a simple life and is completely utilizing it, which is very important for a mobile developer. He has completed numerous project using Android Native and React Native. Aside from developing, he loves the automatic world, especially cars. His favorite quote is “doesn’t matter if you win by a mile or an inch, winning is winning”.
Ion is an atom or molecule that has a non-zero total electric charge. Oh and Iyon? Iyon is a human being with a Diploma in IT from UNPAD, who almost (read: don’t) holds a bachelor degree in IT from Maranatha. He owns a lot of experienced in QA and Scrum Master and now working at Vodjo as Business Analyst. Fun Fact: Iyon is always hungry every 3 hours!
If Khrisna is a color, he would be a bright yellow. He believes that the most important thing is to enjoy your life and be happy. That’s why he holds the role to cheer everyone up. Aside from that, he is responsible for ensuring that a project or service meets the established quality standard which comprises of reliability, usability and performance required for distribution and the market.
Prima is THE Happy Coder! He has a high regards of the DRY and KISS principle in coding. He believes that work life balance is very important. Hence, he does a lot of working out, especially weight lifting. He also plays console games and watches movies. He wants everything to be balanced as all things should be, but he considers himself as a hero in Programming Cinematic Universe!
Haidar is a young programmer who has honed his skills as an android developer. He loves learning new things to widen his knowledge. Currently, he is focusing on Java/Kotlin/Flutter and many more. He goes by the quote that says "Power is to not give up even when we're struggling". It motivates him to keep doing his best and trying harder.
This Sumedang born girl is called Novia. She is the 3rd child with 2 siblings. Novia got her D3 degree of Informatics Engineering in 2016. Even since her gradutaion, she has always been involve in the Quality checking team. Her thorough analyzing skill and her keen curiosity are the two components that make her survive in the field she works. Aside from working, Novia enjoys spending her time travelling and watching movies, those two activities are her medication. Lastly, she motivates herself to get better everyday and learn something new in any given chances.
Disca was born in Kuningan in May 1997. This yogurt enthusiast usually spends her free time with friends and family. She belived that working hard will give you success in the long run. Hence, Disca always emphasizes her work ethic, which is to work thoroughly and quickly as well as Running the Right Testing Strategy to produce a high quality system or final product.
Bayu is an enigmatic person who passionate in his field and full of determination. A guy who love digging WordPress to cultivate it's full potential, he believe that you can build any sopihisticated system with it. Also he is not really friendly and kinda grumpy especially when he haven't grab his morning coffee. A big fans of quite place and adore the sounds of silence. If you can't find him at his desk, go to the kitchen and hope you're lucky enough to taste his secret recipe.
For Alle, designing is like composing a song; it should have some catchy and memorable riffs. He believes that the effort he puts into his songs will result in positive feedback. The same applies to design. On top of that, Alle is a good team player. He'll put his utmost and trust his nakama while enjoying the process to achieve the target. Head to Spotify, search for Whitenoir - Recover Needs album and let him surprise you with his talent!
'Twas in 1999, at exactly page 365 of 365 when Dian came to this world. From that moment on, she has taken a love for chocolate. "Hot chocolate would never leave me and everything is okay when I drink it" she said. Her motto says "life can be fruitful if you know how to use it" which helps facing her struggle. She seeks to find meaning in everything while being grateful for what she has. Among others, joining Vodjo is one of the things she's grateful for.
A happy easy going person who makes others happy and someone who is a delight to be around. He believes that happiness comes from himself not from other people. This is what makes him always be himself, confident, be strong and always try to give the best because he has an obligation to make himself happy. And he also always try to make other people happy by working well and giving satisfactory results.
She’s from Kebumen, Central Java. She really dreamed of working as a Quality Assurance, and apparently she can make it happen by joining vodjo! She is addicted to milk, and can't start her day without a glass of warm milk. We know it sounds quirky, but she loves it! On weekends, she takes her time to rest or go to the beach to enjoy the sunset while drinking coconut ice, and this is her way to recharge energy and also relax her mind.
He likes spicy and salty food but in fact he can't stand spicy food. A day without spicy and salty food will make him feel hungry and weak. He has a hobby of pencak silat, playing music and coding. The world of coding is very fun for him. He is preparing herself to adapt to embrace the future and wants to produce something that is beneficial for everyone. His motivation is "if you give up today, you won't know that tomorrow is the day of your success".
The eldest of 2 siblings who have a hobby of eating salty snacks, cycling and long walks. Ipeh as her nickname is an espresso coffee lover combined with coconut water. Before deciding to join Vodjo, she worked as a company admin which is currently one of Vodjo’s client. After resigning from her previous company, she decided to apply at Vodjo because she felt comfortable and knew Vodjo’s team was fun. She really likes her position as a QA and believes that working at Vodjo is a stepping stone to achieving her dreams in the future.
Someone who always tries to keep himself busy with 3 things namely Coffee, Books and Love. Because he believes that evil and futility exist because humans are not busy with these 3 things.
A coder who has worked in the forestry sector. Been interested in technology since childhood. What makes him happy being a coder is being able to solve problems with the skills he has, it's just like a hero, isn't it? And for him a life without purpose is not the life one wants to live.
Vivamus, moriendum est - He always considers every possible scenario in his mind, but he can conceal it with his joyful, amiable, and energetic personality. He is inquisitive about various things, such as languages, cultures, and technologies. The more you interact with him, the more likely you will become his closest friend.
With English Education background is like a key to encourage my skill to play over words. This universal language brought an ease in communication for people. My interesting of copywriting is like tailored of my intention for helping people convey their thoughts whether spoken or written. Effective communication is a power.
A person with MBTI INTJ interprets counting numbers as putting together a challenging puzzle, each number must be placed correctly and have a harmonious pattern. She believes that her precision and dedication in every calculation will produce a satisfactory solution. The same applies in her life, she believes that her hard work and consistency will bring satisfactory results.
For her, every bug found is a small victory worth celebrating. Amidst the many challenges, she always tries to find a way to enjoy the process, making this job an adventure to learn and grow. Her little secret: she always needs Fresh Care oil to boost her spirits!!! With a fresh scent by her side, she believes that the best work comes from genuine desire and enjoyment in every process wholeheartedly with gratitude.